The ayahuasca experience is a profound journey that reflects the stages of human life. From the moment of ingestion until the end of ceremony, each phase symbolizes a stage of our existence, offering valuable lessons and opportunities for personal growth.
The Phases of the Ayahuasca Ceremony
Fertilization and Gestation : Observe the phenomenon of drinking ayahuasca. First you drink a cup, we can call this fertilization. Then you wait a while, then we are in gestation.
Birth and Early Childhood : Then the first visions appear, we are finally being born. The visions are beautiful with many colors and magic, this is called early childhood.
Adolescence and Adulthood : Then we feel the first nausea and the first signs of the famous PEIA, oops, adolescence is knocking at the door. Vomit gushes everywhere with a lot of information about our journey and the need for change, we are in the adult phase.
Maturity and Passage : Then a beautiful song appears, with many melodies and a great desire to surrender to that moment arises, making us dance and be taken by an infinite wave of love, we are in maturity. A few hours later this force passes, we spend some time admiring the fire of the ceremony fading, it is our life, we are passing to the other side.
Learnings and Transformations
Transformative Experience : What do we learn from the experience of a night of Ayahuasca? Do we learn important things enough to lead to transformation in our daily lives?
Spiritual and Earthly Plane : Our daily life here on Earth is like the spiritual plane. We came here to Earth to learn and develop our existential mechanisms that are often archaic, right?
Evolution and Return : From the experience here on Earth we return to the astral plane with more evolved baggage, so that we can live our true life there.
Symbolism and Application : If there is true life on the other plane, and ayahuasca is a symbolism of our existence, then what we are experiencing here and now during the ceremony is just a mechanism of evolution for the return to our daily lives. Our daily lives would be the symbolism of true life up there in heaven, where we can apply the evolutionary baggage that we acquired in an ayahuasca ceremony.
Cycles and Challenges
Return and Reincarnation : At some point we will return to the Ayahuasca ceremony, it is as if we were reincarnating. And in this return, we are often dealing with the same things.
Repetition of Cycles : We repeat cycles, closing doors to learning because we are difficult.
Human Difficulties : My brothers, we are too difficult. We border on the unbearable. We talk about collective when our attitudes are all individual. We talk about prosperity and abundance when we are lacking even in reasoning in many moments of our lives.
Search for Understanding : The reasoning of who we are, how we are, where we are going. In the power of Ayahuasca we want to hear the voice of God and still be His spokesperson. But we can't even hear the music that is played in a ceremony many times.
Stages of Life and Ceremony
Personal Reflection: In our current life, what phase of the ayahuasca ceremony are we in? In the miração? In the nausea? In the vomiting and the beating or in the dance? But those who are in the dance do not glorify themselves now because they may soon return to the beating, because we are always on the verge of the unbearable, remember? And it is difficult to keep dancing in life, so we will soon look for some shadow or hole to crawl into.
Simplicity and Complexity: The world is a little simpler than we can imagine. The complexity is in our minds that try to give meaning to everything, and not everything is easy to understand, making our experiences difficult. We, incessant seekers of new dawns, must be careful with this search. Living in search of everything can be interesting as long as we do not forget the main thing: to exist.
Search and Existence: Searching for everything too much can make us feel like we never find anything throughout our lives, when what we lack often doesn't even exist, it's just how we perceive the world due to pain and emptiness from the past. The planet is alive and perhaps it's not searching for anything, it's just fulfilling its role in the cosmos, enjoying the vacuum of the universe. Animals search for their food and when they find it, they enjoy it.
Final Reflections
And how are we?
We are passing, we will pass!
So be careful to live what life has to offer because on this planet we don't know if we will return.
Leo Valente - Aldeia da Vida / Village of Life ♥️